Kalika IT Service

About Us

World Class Software company in Nepal

It is located at Rambazar-10, Pokhara, which is the best software company in Nepal and has been providing continuous service since 8th Baisakh 2074. Kalika  IT Service has been providing its services at very affordable rates.

Initially started from Rambazar Pokhara, this team has now been providing software and software facilities in different parts of the country. In the future, it aims to become an IT company that provides  IT services at affordable prices in the country.

This company is doing its work for the benefit of its customers along with its identity.

Not only software and website, it has been doing all kinds of photo, photo framing, typing, cup print, photo copy, will, visiting card, various online form filling, public service commission (लोक सेवा आयोग forms) task that people need on a daily basis. All services can be obtained by going to the office. It is now aiming to sell and distribute it online soon.

You can see the description of our company in Facebook too which is one of the world class software company in Nepal. We are providing the service to the governmental offices of Nepal. Some of them are schools, governmental offices, private offices, hotels, NGOs.

Services to the governmental schools.

  1. Amarsingh Secondary School, Pokhara
  2. Mangala Secondary School, Lamjung

Services to the Organization

  1. Sahayaatra Nepal
  2. Devkota Bandhu Samaj

Services to Top Hotels in Dhampus

  1. Hotel Pinnacle Range Dhampus
  2. Paradise View Dhampus
Software company in Nepal

कालिका आईटी सर्भिस, बिगत ५ वर्ष वि.संं. २०७४ वैशाख ८ गते देखि निरन्तर सर्भिस दिंदै आएको पोखराको –१०, रामबजारमा अवस्थित छ । आईटी सर्भिसले निकै सर्भसुलभ दरमा आफ्नो सेवाहरु प्रदान गर्दै आएको छ ।

सुरुमा रामबजार पोखरा बाट सूरु गरेको यो टिमले अहिले देशको विभिन्न भागमा सफट्वयर र वेवराईटको सुविधाहरु दिंदै आएको छ । भविष्यमा देशकै सर्भसुलभ मुल्यमा आईटी सर्भिस दिने आईटी कम्पनी बन्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ ।

आफ्नो पहिचान सहित ग्रहाक वर्गको हितको लागि यस कम्पनीले आफ्नो काम गरिराखेको छ ।

सफट्वयर र वेवसाइट मात्र नभई यसले दैनिकि रुपमा मानिसलाई चाहिने हरेका खालको फोटो, फोटो फ्रेमिङ, टाईपिङ, कप प्रिन्ट, फोटो कपी, विल, भिसिटिङ कार्ड, विभिन्न अनलाई फर्म भर्ने कार्यहरु समेत गर्दै आएको छ ।

सम्पूर्ण सेवा सुविधा प्राप्तिको लागि अफिसमा गई प्राप्त गर्न सकिनेछ । यसलाई अब छिट्टैनै अनलाईन माध्यमबाट बिक्री वितरण गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ।